For some men, no amount of exercise or diet can give them the chest definition they’re looking for. 如果这是你的问题,要知道这不是你的错——你不可能胜过生物学. 然而,你可以通过一个谨慎的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网来完成这项工作. 男子女性型乳房手术. 男性缩胸手术. “例”删除. Whatever you’ve heard it called on the Internet forums – we can do it 和 push you that much closer to your goals. 最棒的是? 我们位于俄亥俄州的哥伦布市. 我们来算一下.
Man-boobs, “moobs,” puffy nipples: 男子女性型乳房 is the medical term for enlarged male breasts. 它特指腺体组织肿大, 但它也可能涉及胸部脂肪过多和/或多余的皮肤. 表象的范围很广, from pointy nipples to highly-feminized breasts that hang down toward the belly button – most men tend to be somewhere in between.
胸部可能不对称或均匀增大. 它可以发生在任何年龄,可能是由遗传引起的, 激素的变化, 肥胖和某些药物的使用,包括合成代谢类固醇, 西咪替丁, 螺内酯和大麻.
这种情况并不罕见——你并不孤单. 一些研究表明,在美国,50%的男性都是男性.S. 是否受到男性乳房发育症的影响. This condition can make a person feel extremely self-conscious 和 cause them to avoid public spaces. It may also affect intimate relationships 和 can inhibit one’s happiness altogether.
我们不是来告诉你需要什么. But we will steer you into the direction that will make you feel your best – in a suit at a meeting, 在泳池周围, 在健身房. 无论.
如果你在寻求奉承, 胸部更加轮廓分明, 那么男性乳房发育手术可能是合适的. 它通常是为18岁以上的患者保留的, who have had enlarged breasts or puffy nipples for at least two years without improvement. 的潜在好处 男性女乳症澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 必须大于每个个案的潜在风险吗, 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台必须对有一个薄薄的疤痕感到舒服.
潜在的患者应该停止使用诱发男性乳房发育症的药物, 和 certain that other hormonal imbalances 和 endocrine diagnoses have been ruled out first. 健康状况相对较好、期望现实的非吸烟者往往表现最好.
一切从你的第一次虚拟咨询开始. Once we agree that you’re a good c和idate, that’s when you talk with one of the doctors one-on-one. 你的会诊是一个与. 唐纳森或Dr. 西弗特,一对一,讨论你的担忧,目标和期望. We’ll work something out to make sure this is what you want – 和 we are who you want to work with.
You can prepare for your consult in advance by writing out questions you may have about the procedure, 还有药物清单, 过敏, 以及之前的手术或澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert will take time to consider what might have caused your condition 和 what risks you may incur. 他们会检查你的胸部, 进行测量, 评估尺寸和形状, 注意皮肤质量, 乳头位置和乳晕直径. Confidential photos will be taken for pre-operative 计划ning 和 for before/after comparisons. 有时,初级保健或内分泌转诊需要进行额外的检查.
一旦这些步骤完成,Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. 西弗特会检查你的手术和麻醉方案. They will share example photographs 和 help set proper expectations for recovery 和 results.
这里有一些你可能想问的问题. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert在您的咨询期间:
男性乳房发育手术通常是相当安全的, 但也有可能存在风险, 和其他医疗澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网一样. 你的基本健康和身体状况可能会影响这些风险. 最终, an analysis of risks versus benefits will inform each patient’s unique decision on whether to pursue surgery.
Dr. 唐纳森或Dr. Sieffert will explain these risks 和 go into further detail if certain risks seem more likely than others in your particular case.
男性乳房发育手术可以塑造胸部轮廓,缩小男性乳房大小. 该技术取决于严重程度. 一级,博士. 唐纳森 often prefers making a small incision under local anesthesia 和 directly removing the gl和ular tissue from behind the nipple without the patient needing to be asleep.
对于II级和III级,Dr. 唐纳森通常使用VASER的组合, 抽脂和直接切除腺组织并留下短疤痕, 全身麻醉下微创入路. VASER applies ultrasound waves to the breast tissue to help emulsify the fat 和 break up fibrous attachments. 抽脂需要一个1 / 4英寸的切口, 空心管(套管)连接在真空上,用来提取脂肪. 如果顽固的, 坚固的腺体组织仍需切除, then a ½- or 1-inch incision is made at the lower border of the darker areolar skin. Grade III skin will often shrink down over time to match the flattened chest contour.
IV级男性乳房发育需要更有侵入性的方法. VASER和吸脂术仍可首先使用, but longer incisions are ultimately required to remove the large amount of gl和ular tissue, 脂肪和皮肤. 切口常环绕乳晕边界成一个完整的圆圈, 和 sometimes also form a vertical line down the chest 和/or a horizontal line across the entire lower chest. 较长的疤痕可以紧致皮肤,消除褶皱, 皱纹或下垂的皮肤,否则会留下.
Many other cosmetic procedures can be combined with 男性女乳症澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 while the patient is asleep. 具体到胸部,可以进行乳晕缩小和乳头缩小. The former procedure downsizes the diameter of the dark areolar skin; the latter reduces the size 和 projection of the actual nipple itself. Other common additions include liposuction, tummy tuck, brachioplasty 和 blepharoplasty.
在男性缩胸手术之后, 切口用可溶解缝合线缝合, 最后一层手术级胶水提供了一个无菌屏障. Light dressings are supported with an elastic b和age or customized compression garment. 除非在4级条件下,通常不需要临时排水. 医生会给你开一些药来减轻疼痛,防止感染, 顺势疗法有助于减少瘀伤和肿胀.
Our staff will walk you through the steps of caring for the surgical site 和 minimizing scars as part of your 男性乳房畸形手术恢复 计划. Follow-up visits within a week, a month 和 several months later will help ensure optimal healing. 你会得到伤口护理的详细说明, 和 will be well-apprised of warning signs 和 what to watch for as you make progress at home. Most patients take anywhere from three days to a week away from work 和 other responsibilities. 4 ~ 6周内应避免剧烈运动.
A successful gynecomastia result is more likely when performed by a highly-regarded, 委员会认证的整形外科医生. Dr. 唐纳森 has a thriving gynecomastia practice that is comprised of patients who are absolutely thrilled with their results.
Dr. 唐纳森有技术能力, experience 和 bedside manner to give you confidence as you step into the operating room. 他获得了美国整形外科委员会的认证, 和 serves as an Active Member of both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons 和 the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
他接受过奖学金培训,写过专业文章和书籍章节, 在国内和国际会议上向同行展示, 教了很多住院医生和医科学生. 俄亥俄州哥伦布市的许多人都认识他. 唐纳森从他在电视新闻网络上的露面中脱颖而出, where he continually serves as a media expert on an array of plastic surgery topics.
他获得了许多荣誉称号, 包括美国顶级整形外科医生, 美国最富有同情心的医生, 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台选择奖, 哥伦布40岁以下和哥伦布快50岁.
我们邀请您在 614-442-7610 安排你的私人会诊. 杰弗里·唐纳森博士. 米歇尔Sieffert. 阅读更多 Dr. 唐纳森 和 Dr. Sieffert的 整形外科专业.